Customer testimonials

Angus Classic Interiors Ltd- one of Scotland's most trusted upholsterer and curtain makers

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Our customers value a truly dedicated upholsterer and curtain maker
When you're looking to get new curtains made, or your furniture re-upholstered, you want to know that it's in the best hands. Here you'll find testimonials from a few satisfied customers who value our efficiency, professionalism and eye for detail. You can be confident that with Angus Classic Interiors Ltd, you are getting an expert upholsterer or curtain maker who is dedicated to providing the highest standards of craftsmanship. That's why our customers recommend us, and why they come back time and time again. To make an enquiry, call us on 01356 623982 or send us a photo of your furniture or windows today!
Chirs Chitell
"Dear Adrian , Aileen
Thank you once again for coming to my aid with not only tremendous curtains made to absolute perfection by Amanda but also the time span in which they were produced!
For your sakes I sincerely hope other customers are a little less demanding than myself or none of you would get any sleep at all.
Once again I remain extremely grateful and can only wish you as Angus Classic Interiors continued greatness!
All the very best"
Chris Chitell (Eric Pollard, ITV Productions Emmerdale)
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"We have just completed a major renovation of our home in Aberdeen. Angus Classic Interiors provided advice on interior decoration which we followed to the letter.
They also provided and fitted carpets, hard floor coverings and curtains. All work was carried out with a passion and degree of perfection not often found these days.
They always delivered when they said they would. The work of Adrian and his team at Angus Classic Interiors have given our home a very special wow factor. We are delighted.
Many thanks,"
Jon and Sue
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"Just wanted to say a big thank you to you for the beautiful lounge curtains you have made for me. They look absolutely tremendous with so much attention to detail.
Thank you too for the lovely cushions, what a lovely surprise! they really do finish off the lounge. The whole room is totally transformed. As always you do such a tremendous job and I really do appreciate it, you are a star!"
Sue Bagnall
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"Just a short note to say how pleased we are with the job that you did for us.It was not until we had got the cushions in place that we were fully able to appreciate and reflect on the work carried out.Our initial meeting with Amanda inspired confidence and helpfulness. The workmanship is excellent and we noted the care taken in matching patterns.
I would certainly have no hesitation in recommending your firm to friends and family."
Mrs. C Moir
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"Dear Angela, 
This brings you my sincere thanks for my dining room curtains. Not only are they expertly made but the care you took with the matching is superb, and they look perfect in the room. Should you ever be in Edzell you would be most welcome to see them in situ.
My appreciative thanks!"
Mr. Abbott
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I just wanted to say how pleased we are with our sofas. They look absolutely super and we're amazed at the difference!
I also wanted to say how organised and professional your team are - it really has been a pleasure dealing with you. It couldn't have been easier for us. If you've taken any "before and after" pictures of our sofas feel free to use them to show any of your other clients who might also be thinking of having furniture reupholstered.
Kind regards to everyone."
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"Just a Big thank you to all at Angus Classis Interiors for the work carried out to our caravan at arbroath caravan, on the red lion caravan park. We are highly delighted, thank you."
Mr Gill
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"To all the staff at Angus Classic Interiors
Many thanks for the fantastic job in making such beautiful curtains and blinds in our new home.We are really delighted with the outcome and are grateful for all of your help."
Mr. and Mrs. O'Callaghan
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"Dear Angela,
Just a short note to say thank you very much for the curtains and blinds, very successful and we are very pleased with them.
Thank you for all your dedication with my order.
Yours Sincerely,"
Mrs Mason
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"Angus Classic Interiors,
Thank you so much for the wonderful job you have done on the curtains & seat covers, they are just the job!!
And a big thank you for the little extras!
Amy & Matthew Mason
Call us today! 01356 623982
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